The mightiest and most revered among the Ironjawz, the orruk Megabosses command their warclans with a rough-hewn unity, smashing, stomping, breaking, and battering everything within their formidable reach. As orruks triumph in battle, they grow larger in size, and Megabosses, naturally colossal, relish using their immense, muscular bulk to deliver bone-crushing blows to any adversary foolish enough to stand before them. Adorned in haphazardly nailed-on iron armor, bedecked with trophies of conquest, and wielding brutally effective weaponry, orruk Megabosses inspire terror merely by their imposing presence, let alone their prowess in combat.
This multi-part plastic kit includes all the components needed to construct one orruk Megaboss. Adorned in scrap iron armor, the Megaboss is armed with a boss choppa and rip-tooth fist, instruments of devastating force. Comprising fourteen components, the kit also includes a Citadel 60mm Round base to showcase this fearsome leader on the battlefield.
Prepare for battle with the embodiment of Ironjawz might and ferocity, ready to dominate any Warhammer Age of Sigmar skirmish or campaign.
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